Sunday, August 11, 2019

Let's hope for the both of our sake it doesn't come to that

So yeah...shit sucks right now.
Just hoping for a good way out of intensive care.

And I swear I've been thinking of going to emergency myself. But I know there's no point cause they'll tell me there's nothing they can do, it's the GP and specialists' job to take care of my condition.
My head is aching like nobody's business. And I have this crazy pressure in my ears. It clicks and sends numb pain shots through them from time to time.
My whole head feels like a big zit, kind of like a huge inflamed, throbbing pile of puss about to burst. And that shit would fly out my ears.
I feel nauseous and have no appetite. Have joint, tension pains in my legs - knees and hips. Ankles get mostly tension pains. Luckily my left shoulder, elbow and wrist have calmed down. I feel so weak physically. Completely drained from energy.

And if need be there's no way I could ride my bike to the needed hospital in this condition. I'd have to be taken there in a car. Let's hope for the both of our sake it doesn't come to that.
And also, if need be I'd absolutely move away to help out.

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