Sunday, September 13, 2009


God, I hate drugs!
Okay, I'm supposed to be taking tranquilizers and antidepressants - legal drugs, like.
I'm supposed to take them to heal my sick head.
I just don't understand how people can use that illegal crap for fun, like.
Means they're sick in the head all the time.
Selfish bastards - I'll never support anyone who's trying to quit.
Their drug-taking isn't the issue, it's their stupidity.
And it's so not my or anyone else's but the fucker's problem that they didn't educate themselves.

And I just found out someone close to me has been taking drugs recently.
I knew that they have in the past, but...yeah ...major disappointment.


Right so.
Was supposed to start my periods next week around the 18th.
Went to see the lady doctor today.
'Hop on the table,' said the doctor as I took my pants down and went, 'Oh no, I started my period!'
Oh well, could be the reason of painful pleasure.
Have to keep track of pains for 4 months then go back.
If I notice any pattern in between I can take painkillers before riding.
Like I plan that kinda thing!
Well, a good start would be with me - check, my man - er...
Wherever he is. Haven't been able to talk to him, since he's too busy.
Doesn't even reply my texts. Whatever.

Oh and I'm wondering what to do with the barium meal appointment.
I was supposed to ring them on the first day of my period, but only from Monday 'til Friday.
Oops, I kinda started on a forbidden day.

Besides waiting for a reply from my boyfriend all day, I also went for a walk.
Mm...I just love the countryside.
If there hadn't been sheep poo and thistles, it would have been perfect.
Super sunny and hot out - wore a tank top sort of a top.
About a week ago I was walking around with a woolly jacket and a scarf.
