Tuesday, May 11, 2010

So you say you're under a curse, so what? So's the whole damn world.

So I got asked who my favourite artist was on formspring.
I said Naohisa Inoue.
I think he's brilliant.
Anyway, it reminded me of the film Whisper Of The Heart.
Oh, how I love that film.
I learned about Inoue from this film.
The screenplay is by Hayao Miyazaki.
I love love love Hayao Miyazaki.
I haven't seen that many of his films, but from what I have seen I can tell I love him.
One of my favourite ever films is Mononoke Hime.
I would buy the DVD if I saw it anywhere. I have it downloaded, on my computer.
I've seen it quite a few times and recommend it very much.
My favourite scene is one at the very end of the film, with a little kodama hanging around the saplings.

Spot the spirit!
Speaking of Whisper Of The Heart - I love the city it takes place in.
I don't know what the cities really look like down there, but it looks so magical and amazing in the film ... or anime.

I also love the fact that the boy in the anime is making violins. Don't see that every day in a film.

I feel kind of awkward saying such unremarkable things about the animes since they're both quite the masterpieces. I'm not feeling my best (after cheap chips and a chicken burger) so I just recommend watching the films and having an amazing experience for yourselves.