Sunday, March 05, 2017


And in other news, just to document it, my left boob is troubling me.
In February a few days before my periods I got discomfort, pain and tenderness in my left boob. Thought it was weird since I never get sore breasts before periods. Not once have I ever had sore boobs in my life. And it was just one tit.
Then my period started and the pain kinda subsided.
Then about three or four days ago I got the pain back and I'm not anywhere near my periods. Plus, if it was a hormonal thing, wouldn't both of my titties hurt not just one!?
Talked to mum and stepmum, stepmum said they would probably sned me to get mammography done. Yeah, 1. I don't want my sore titty squeezed in any way, 2. My titties are so small, mammography is impossible anyway.
Yeah, we'll see how this plays out.

making magic

Was just watching Harmony Nice's make up tutorial video. Fuck, make up can be soooooo amazing. I like watching pics of nice make up or beautiful videos of people applying it and making magic.
It's so easy to be a girl these days when it comes to makeup, you have sooo many different tutorials for different looks.
But, it's just not for me. I hate it when I have makeup on. I feel like I'm dirty and wanna wash my face asap. I don't feel pretty or anything. The only time that looks make a difference for me is right after shower/bath cause then I know my face is clean, I'm clean all over and I feel happy and confident. A clean face/body is all I need, I don't want shit covering it lol.
Like on friday, mum stayed overnight at my place. She asked me if I had any makeup remover. Seriously!?!? You asking me that!!?! I haven't worn slightest bit of make up in about three years. Not one single thing on my face.