Wednesday, August 23, 2017

my knee hurts and hands are scraped

Also, I fell off my bike today. lol
I didn't see a big truck coming from behind parked trucks and I pressed down on my breaks and they completely stopped my bike. My feet were on the ground already but the speed had been too high I guess and the bike like turned and knocked me over. The truck driver was gesturing something at me and I just laughed out of embarrassment and gestured for him to move on and said "I'm fine".
Ow, my knee hurts and hands are scraped.

I have two bikes now. And two rides.

This might bring me a lot of trouble in the future but...whatever. I have thoughts. I had feelings too but they've calmed down.
So I had a date arranged with the Core Guy for sunday. But I was really feeling BFM so I cancelled the sunday. I had the most fantastic time with BFM on thursday and I was really into him. That's why I cancelled the Core Guy cause I felt like I was almost cheating on the other one.
Well, on friday BFM says he's not interested in a relationship with me. He just wants to be friends who fuck. At one point he did say he wanted me.
Okay, so all friday I was bummed out. But we didn't talk all weekend and I got over it properly. I mean I just met him so it wasn't that deep but I really did dig him.
Anyway, on friday I called up the Core Guy again, to make sunday happen. He was still in. I had sent a message to BFM saying I'm okay with just fucking then, if he's not interested, he's not interested. He even said, I can get a boyfriend and all. That was like a complete buzzkill for me cause that shows he's not into me at all.
Anyway, he didn't reply to my text and I really did cool down. I had told him to contact me when he...basically wants to get laid.
So I fell ill on friday night. Couldn't do sunday. We rescheduled the date for the next weekend. I flat out asked him what he was after, like sex or what. He said he is interested in me but doesn't wanna rush things. Okay, cool. He's a nice guy aswell.
So this week, BFM, contacted me. Said, I can let him know when I wanna meet up too. I did last week and he didn't really want to so... okay.
And I told him I was sick. I probably fell ill cause we slept together on thrusday night and it was so incredibly hot and I asked him to open the window. I was sleeping on the window side, sweaty, on top of the covers. I also told him I was gonna meet someone else but fell ill.
Then he tells me he felt jealous about it.
I told him I still very much want a relationship and if it's not happening with him then cool, but I will keep looking.
So basically, what I gather from this.... he is still very much into his ex and is making me the substitute. He like tries to have what he wants to have with her but doesn't really want me at all. And I let it happen cause what I really want is a relationship and when I'm with him I'm how I am in a relationship, eventhough I know now things won't work out.
It's super confusing to me cause when I have sex...people, men, we just get together, fuck and part ways. But he wants to kiss and cuddle and talk and go to places and be lovey dovey.
And the crappy thing is, we could just fuck but he can't. Perform. He has to stop and I can see him being physically disturbed. He told me he can't cause he has his ex in his mind.
Fuck! It's a bit too messed up and creepy for me. But he is such a great guy though. He just needs the girl out of his head or get back together with her.
Ughhhhh. I'm just not a superwoman who can make him forget about her. They broke up in december last's august already.

Anyway, I have my mind set on the Core Guy for now. Cause he's actually interested in me. Eventhough I might go over to BFM's house this week and we might go to an event this weekend.

I dunno if any of the previous text made sense. I'm just so... well this week I've been so whatever about everything cause I'm actually sick. Didn't want to go in to work yesterday but my supervisor made me. I have an idiotic contract.
Yeah so I asked my mum to come and help me at work. She did and stayed the night. lol she actually bought the doctor's mask to wear around me cause she didn't wanna fall ill.

Oh yeah and on monday I got a call from the police. A woman said they think they found my bike. Went in on tuesday to ascertain the bike. It was mine! So the story with this is, on the 6th of august, it was stolen. And on the 17th some man had stolen somebody's wallet and the police started chasing him. The dude was escaping on a bike. At some point he man dropped the bike and the wallet and ran off. The wallet person got their stuff back. And my bike was identified! Holy crap! What are the chances!? It's at my mum's man's workplace right now. He will bring it over to me tomorrow. I have two bikes now. And two rides.