Thursday, September 23, 2010

Vintage white

So, I had my second violin lesson in Estonia today.
I think the teacher spends too much time playing the violin. :D
I mean I'm the one who's learning there so I should be playing most of the time.
So a while ago my stepmum bought this little thingy for me that was suppose to mellow or quieten the violin.
It mellowed it a bit yeah, but it's still loud as ever.

So, I decided to buy an electric violin.
Just cause you need an amp to play it loud and when you don't have an amp, it doesn't really make that much sound at all.
I'm gonna buy the thing in an Estonian shop I think.

I just need to figure out where I'm gonna get the money for it.
My mother already gave me quite a bit of money for my laptop.
I had about 7 thousand with my mum's and my own money.
Then my dad and stepmum threw in 4 thousand.
And they all pretty much said it's for my birthday.

I mean, if anyone's feeling randomly generous, send in your cheques. :D

Well, Da and stepmum said it's like a half sort of thing.
So what's another three thousand then? :D

Yeah, I only want a cheap little thing cause I'm not good enough for a good violin.
Although the teacher said my violin sounds better than his.

Anyway, me and the teacher were looking at some electric violins so and I kinda like this one:
Vintage white
It's all white and cute.

Another one I liked was this one:
It looks a bit fancy pants with one of the top bits gone and all. I'm thinking maybe it's a bit too edgy looking for me.

I've never bought an electric violin before or any electric instrument so I don't know what to look out for.
The white one's got active pick-up system. I'm not sure what the difference is between an active system and a passive one. And it says it has "aux in way", whatever that means.

The yellow one's got "bass, treble, volume". Dunno how they come out when playing but I'll take them please if they're included in the price.

Yeah, found a few more interesting violins:
Loe the green! Hate the spots. I wouldn't buy an instrument that was coloured that though.

Lovely pattern.

This one is a lefthanded violin. How weird. I'm left handed and all but I can't imagine playing the violin the other way round.
There's a whole bunch of amazing looking and by the information given amazing sounding violins but they're way too pricey. Maybe one day when I'm like..when I have reached the level of good violinist.
Here's another electric violin, a dear one:

This one is an absolutely gorgeous looking violin:

How I wish I could own one of those fancy violins and how I wish I could play really really well.

The teacher said I need to practice bowing. I move my shoulder too much which makes the bow slip.
Plus, this I feel myself, I have trouble understanding and playing a tune by the same rhythm all the way from the beginning to the end.

Oh and I meant to post about it a few days ago but forgot. Iäve been watching all those "Who's the next top model" shows. And god, some people are evil. Those bitches should be eliminated straight away.

And the other day, was a massive baking day. Me and stepmum baked rye bread.
It's all healthy and stuff.
And I made my cookies again.
Oh and I'm getting the hang of chemistry.

Just busy writing stuff.
Picking out the important bits, out of books like and writing them down.
I can't like write the stuff, I have to type it all cause my hand gets so sore when writing.
I haven't had the need to write so much in years so I write enough in classes.
At home, I type.