Sunday, December 18, 2016

hey dude, we went to kindergarten together, wanna hook up?

Ok, so I had two little fails recently. First though, I have to see my psychiatrist from now on. They don't do prescriptions via phone anymore. What the shit like? The consultation costs 10 euros and the shrink only does monthly prescriptions which means I have to go there every month now and pay euros. And my pills actually cost about ten euros if not less. Like seriously!? Fuck that system!
In regards to that, I said fuck it, cancelled my appointment with my shrink and e-mailed my GP and asked if she can write a prescription for me. She did. But damn! I asked for the wrong pill! Fail one. Luckily, when I asked for the right pill she did another prescription. So that's sorted.
The second fail was on saturday at work. Fuck. I felt so embarrassed for myself. Like, the fave band dude I was talking about a few posts back.. when he came to the shop, it was closed. I was inside the shop and had to open the door for him. I dunno where my head was but I went to open the door with my chip. Yeah, you don't need the chip when opening the door from the inside, you can use the handle/lock thingy. I was so lame and didn't figure it out and for some reason the chip wasn't working. So I sent him to another door which I could open for him. God, I'm such a chowderhead.

Oh and I might have found this guy I was best friends with in kindergarten. I asked my brother, the one that lives with my dad, if he knew anyone around my age in the town. Like, my dad still lives in the town I went to kindergarten in. And my brother grew up in that town. It's a small ass town, everybody knows everbody. Yeah, he said he doesn't really know anyone. And the ones he does know just come and visit every once in a while. So I gave him a few first names and he knew on this guy called Tarvo. I looked him up on Facebook. Yeah I have no idea if he actually is the guy I went to kindergarten with or not. He looked a bit older yeah but he also like had a girlfriend and recent posts about her on his profile so I didn't bother sending him any messages. Like "hey dude, we went to kindergarten together, wanna hook up?" it would have been weird lol. Especially as he has a girl.
I might tell the story of our little friendship in one of my stprytime posts. Yeah I was meant to do them but I've only posted one so far. lol. Ooh, third fail! :D

men really are stupid

Ugh. I've probably talked about this before but whatever. So I'm still on this dating website. Shit, I don't agree with the fact that sex is something you have to pay for. But! It grinds my gears when men call women who take money for sex whores or losers or whatever. Like, dude, you are so pathetic you can't get a woman to sleep with you unless you pay her. Like, seriously, are you really someone who should be judging someone who gets laid and paid at the same time!? Jesus, men really are stupid.

My would have been Christmas presents 2016

Fuck! These are original Mononoke Hime hoodies. Shit! Why didn't I discover them sooner, I would have asked my mum to buy one for me. If not a hoodie then at least a T-shirt (cause it's cheaper). Ugh. Look at how cute they are.