Sunday, June 06, 2010

Bad EA

Huuhhh, I've been messing around with my sims game.
Can't really complain that much on the official site cause the peeps there might ban you.
Er... thanks I'm sure it'll solve all the problems with the game.

I just cannot believe how uppity some people are.
Like, haven't the EA people heard of customer care?!

I mean, it's very very obvious they're releasing faulty products.
They are.
And when you complain about it they won't admit that it's their game that's not working.

They're like "you're computer doesn't meet the minimum requirements".

Well, if I was still working in McDonald's and I say to a customer, "Well, if you had more money and would have bought a more expensive meal the food wouldn't taste this crap. It's your own fault for being so damn poor" I'd get fired. On the spot.

Or when EA say "remove all your CC"

Well, again if I told one of my customers "Go get your taste buds checked, the food is fine!" I'd get fired!

How on earth is that allowed at EA?!
It's unreal!!!

Or the ever so believable "we apologize for any inconvenience caused/we're working on a fix".
"I'm sorry you're so poor and have bad taste in cuisines/we'll try and get in touch with a free range chickens farmer and put less rubber in our "beef" burgers"

Crampy arm

Gah shizzle.
I have a cramp in my arm.
I can't straighten it.
What do I do?
I cannot keep it bent like that cause my elbow will start hurting.

Going to chruch

Ughhh, my brain is fried. Again.
My sims game won't work properly.
I've spent about 6 -7 hours on building a new house for my sim family and the game just won't save the thing.
It just closes down without any warning.

Luckily I have the game backed up to right before building the house.
I don't want to uninstall the new EP or the latest update it requires.
I just want my game to work properly.

I'm so tired from building the house I don't have the power to be pissed off.

Anyways, talked to my mother today.
She told me to go to church.
What on earth is going on with my mother!!?
First she gets a dog then she tells me to go to church!
She said I should go to church and look for either a normal job there or a chance to be a volunteer... or join a religion.
I'm not gonna join a religion just yet and the whole religiousness aside, it's not such a bad idea afterall.
I'll go down to the parish centre and have a look around on the internet.

I mean I spend way too much time on my computer.
My brain is fried as I said. Again!
I need to get out more.
Hm, might go for a little walk now.