Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Glee Rocky Horror Glee Show review

Oh. God.
I'm the one going on periods but it looks like my father is PMSing.
He started the whole window business again.
Like, he told me that the previous night when I had my window open that the temperature in my room must have dropped below zero.
I mean surely it did, it's only logical when the temperature outside is not below zero.

Like, seriously, I don't give a fuck about TVs and shit when I cannot sleep.
I need the window open otherwise the air gets so dry I keep waking up several times throughout the night.

And he got all smart and was like, "What? Are you hot?", what brilliant wit!?

Gahh, doing my head in properly.

I went out and bought three packages of noodles.
I only bought them as a substitute to crisps.
I know noodles aren't the best choice but I thought it won't be as greasy.

Just had bacon&cheese flavoured ones.
Were tasty enough.

Oh and it took me absolutely forever to watch the latest Glee episode.
Was quite blah, not too bad, not the best.
Finn was quite on the edge - all this "I'm self-concious about my body" business was cheesy, but luckily it didn't carry on for too long.
And I know what it's like to have tiny tits so I'm not being mean but it was really painful to see Dianna Agron's little cherries all squished inside that dress.
And Heather Morris sounded great.
That Jenna girl not so much.
And poor the blonde bloke.
Seriously, how did he dare dress up like that?
And I kind of looked up the guy, he's name's Chord Overstreet.
That doesn't sound human!
He's a great singer though and doesn't deserve to be embarrassed wearing golden shorts on Glee.
Please, get a real job, you're too good for that shi..ow.

And my main point was that my father's pissing me off, but since putting "Glee review" in the title got me loads of blog views, I'm naming the post Glee Rocky Horror Glee Show review.

Oh and my little brother will come over tomorrow. Woohoo! We'll be watching films and going for walks and maybe I'll be brave enough to travel to some place with him.