Friday, November 05, 2010

Totally on the edge of my seat here!

Bhahahaa, oh shit I cannot stop laughing at this silly video I posted in my previous post.
Sooo intense! :D
1:19 LOL

This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you

Watched The Simpsons tonight and this song came on.
Oh it totally reminded me of this guy I dated for a while when I lived in Ireland.
He totally had me at this bit he said. He said that when he was younger he would skip classes to go and chill at the art museum. And when I was younger myself and hadn't been on a proper date (well...I still haven't been on a proper proper date) I always said I don't wanna hang about in the street with some guy and giggle and shit. I always wanted to go to art museum for the first date with some guy.
And with this one guy that is exactly what we did. Plus he said he was related to Yeats the painter.

And dunno if I have talked about it before but he was the guy who accompanied me to my first Vivladi concert. When I was younger I used to say that I'd marry the guy who took me to a Vivaldi concert.
Hm, as I'm typing this I kind of remember I've talked about it before.

Anyway, we were never really going out but we hung out and stuff.
He actually sent me an email a while back but I never replied. Mostly cause I had just broken up with my boyfriend and I didn't wanna see any men or talk to one.

And that reminds me (maybe I've talked about this aswell) but there was this another lad who said he wanted to open a bookstore. And that was a winner for me.

Yeah... good old memories of Irish lads.

Mmmm, and then the fit one. Yeah, there was a really fit one but he was a bit of an arse.
Like, he was a friend of a friend and she gave him my number.
We communicated for four days only.
First day he got my number he was constantly and over eagerly texting me.
I hadn't seen him so I was kind of worried.
The second day we met for the first time - and just as soon as I opened the car door and saw him sitting in the backseat I was like, "Wow!" and to be sure that he was my date I asked my friend who was sitting in the front next to her boyfriend who was driving if this was really the guy then everybody laughed and said, "Yeah". Well, was a nice start anyway. But the evening itself was quite tedious - we just sat in the car ith the windows down. There was another car parked next to ours in some field and they were all talking shit and smoking something and groping their boyfriends and girlfriends - some got their tits out and some their dicks.
I felt a bit weirded out cause I had never seen anyone before besides my friend.
Anyway, me and the fit lad went out for a walk and he tried to kiss me but I freaked out.
And it was the same during the other two times he tried to kiss me that night.
The third day we were constantly texting again. I went over to his place. We didn't talk, just watched Nacho Libre til my friends relative came over to his plac. He then walked me to the taxi...stop and tried tpo kiss me again but I freaked out (What a bitchy tease, right?!).
The next day after mad texting I told him I was totally gonna do it with him cause I was gonna get drunk so I wouldn't freak out. And he kind of agreed.
So since I'm very lightweight, I drank three beers and was sort of tipsy.
Off I went to see him again, in his friend's car with his relative next to the driver.
And then all this shitty handjob shit happened and he wouldn't go back to my place cause he had to be home by eleven. What. The. Fuck? What kind of normal man says no to sex? Well, I guess you can't really call him a man since he was only 18 and I was 22.
Anyway, he texted me after the date that he had had a great time and that I'm a nice girl and have a nice body. And that's the last I heard of him.

What bollocks? Seriously, why the hell did I have to get out of my house for some crappy two-way handjob?
Never again! I totally told him he can stay at my place for the night and he was totally the one initiating the whole thing. Tool!

Anyway, this thing went way off topic but I just couldn't stop while I was on a roll.

Oh and I can't remember what I was looking at on YouTube, but I found this so bad it's good video:
