Thursday, February 20, 2020

the skin wtihin

Fresh cauliflower and cheese&garlic dip is making me cry. So good.

And a health related update... looks like it's some sort of allergy or something. Basically, my breathing is compromised and some muscles in the body that are not supposed to work for breathing have been working. And they just tense up and I get headaches from them.

My ears still ache, get blocked, ring and get whooshing sounds. My nose is pretty much the same as ears, minus the whooshing. Luckily my headaches are rare and not as bad. I dunno how the spring and summer will affect it all.

Went to the ENT and neurologist again: hearing tests went great. Got a brain scan too, all fine there. So... I'm just going to get massages from the physiotherapist and... that's that. Trying to rinse out my nose with saline water and use whatever I can to moisturize the skin wtihin my nose.

Also been taking iron pills since october?, maybe. And have the blood doc next week. Wow, I hope my ferritin levels are way up now cause if not then... I'm gonna have to have blood transfusions which I never wanna have.