Wednesday, June 23, 2010

56, 4 kilos. Yeah, bitches!!!

Okay, I don't know if it's a cold, PMS or just a first ever thing, but I have a headache.
I've had a bit of a sore head before but it's always been cause of a cold.
Today I have a very odd pain and I'm not sure what it is.
Plus the previous night was a nightmare.
I think I woke myself up by making some sort of noise.
At the time I was kind of thinking that I heard a little boy's voice and that woke me up.

The second time I randomly opened my eyes and saw a little boy standing in the middle of my room.
I think it was kind of like a dream or something cause I know I woke myself up again by screaming and waving my hand to tell the boy to get away from me.

I was spooked though.
I turned on the ceiling light and put on a film and tried going back to sleep.
I kept waking up and feeling funny though.

Maybe I've read too many ghost stories lately and it's having an impact on me.

I even took a painkiller for the pain but it didn't make a difference.
That kind of makes me quite sure it's a cold.

Ugh, I was gonna bring in the resignation notice to work today, but I don't really feel like going out.
I haven't even taken a shower yet.

Oh and I got to weigh myself yesterday.
56, 4 kilos.
Yeah, bitches!!! :D
I'm getting there.
Ehh.. to my normal weight.
The last time I weighed this much was when I was 16.

Give me another few months and I'll be 60 kilos.
That's my goal.
It makes me very happy when all my clothes are very very tight and I struggle when putting them on.
Like there's this skirt I wore when I didn't weigh as much and I could pull it down a bit to make it look longer.
Whereas now it just looks very very short cause it gets stuck around my ass.
K said it's a bit slutty and that she could see my butt cheeks and all, but the skirt was so tight on me it kept my arse in place, it wasn't all jiggly like normally.

Oh while typing this I got a phone call from a woman who's involved with the volunteering business.
I'm meeting her next Wednesday at 2 to talk about some garden I'll be working at.
Meeting her at a restaurant called Cupcake.
I don't even know where it is. Have to go find out before next week.

Anyways, I'm off to... try and cook lunch and shower and just in case I'll cleanse my room with my Californian sage. I don't want to see that little boy again.

User rating 2.9/10

Oh and another thing, I bought the film Material Girls.
Oh dear, I wish I hadn't.
It's so so so rubbish.

It's not funny, it's not dramatic, it's just rubbish.
Even the girls' outfits/make up/hairdo's are not cool ro whatever they're meant to be.

I only bought the film cause I wanted mindless comedy, but it's too mindless and as I already said not funny.
Nothing against the girls themselves, but... ugh.
Well, got this bit of statistics off The Internet Movie Database website. 2.9 indeed.

Oh and I've got a new followe, llasunshine:
Very nice. At least I know who this person is, a lovely young lady.