Tuesday, March 29, 2011

the basis of the myths that teenage girls bring out the poltergeists in houses

Well, well, yet again I got reminded how evil teenage girls are. :D
Seriously, this is the basis of the myths that teenage girls bring out the poltergeists in houses and shit cause they have no souls. I swear it's fucking scary and spooky sometimes how heartless those little bitches are :D
And I cannot believe I'm working my ass off for someone like that and spend hours and hours, days and weeks on working on the forum and shit. Wow...I mean that's just nature but it makes me even more certain that when I have a baby I want a boy. I had enough battles when I was a teenager and lived with my mother and my grandmother. The only woman and bitch in my family is going to be me.
Yeah....it's fucking scary and I don't think I like it or want to be around it anymore. I mean I was happy to provide a place for chat and help but when they're so carnivorous towards each other I want to get the hell out.

Man, am I glad I'm not in my teens anymore

 Well, I posted stuff in my earlier entry but since I don't have any text to go with the following pics I put the text from my earlier post in here:
Man, am I glad I'm not in my teens anymore. It's a weird weird world. Like, when you're a teen then it's like everything inside of you and right around you is shit and the rest of the world is like heaven. And you're so desperately trying to place yourself somewhere out there where the grass seems greener. But when you get older it's like everything inside of you and right around you is the safest place ever and the rest of the world is super scary and you'll do whatever to protect your nearest and dearest from the world.

So my mum's dog had her puppies. It's all kind of...ugly

My little brother putting together this...wooden snake thingy.
 He's the weirdest kid. He doesn't like cheese or cheesecake!

Card Of The Day - Abundantia

Okay, the only thing that was poured on me today, in abundance was snow. I have no idea what this is meant to mean. Erm...it said I might get extra time for something out of something. Um, better not be hospital talk again!

Wells, I read the biology book. I'm still not finished with the first book.Ughh...