Wednesday, March 02, 2011

there shouldn't be any gray at...if not 25 then at least 11

Okay, just got back from the hairdresser.
The lighting is kinda crap now in the evening so no picture.
And the picture is not the most important thing anyway.
What's important is that I've got gray hair. Now, I dunno if it's cause of my depression or genes (my dad went gray pretty early on too) but... whatever the reason is I don't fucking like it.
Who wants to have gray hair at twenty five? Plus, the hairdresser said that kids even as young as 10, 11 have gray hair cause there is so much stress in the world. What with homework and relationhsips with fellow pupils and shit.
Damn, this is not right, there shouldn't be any gray at...if not 25 then at least 11.

something here is a before

I should be going to the hairdresser's today. I was thinking of doing high- and lowlights along with my own colour. Also get the usual haircut, the ends and a bit of fringe.
Anyway, just in case I decide to do something here is a before picture: