Sunday, September 04, 2011

seen a lot of this kinda commotion in the garden

Okay, I've lost a followe. Bye and thanks for stopping by.
I've tried playing the violin but since I've been feeling slightly better I've stopped breaking my fingernails and it's hard to play.

Also seen a lot of this kinda commotion in the garden:

Gis a bite of that aaaaapplleeee!!!

Here's one more pic of me with the "mum haircut"

And two before pics:

big fat head

Anxiety is sticking it's big fat head in my life at the minute.

My mum cut my hair

Plus, I'm applying for the disability benefit. Had to do a few tests with a psychologist. Again, she thought I wasn't Estonian and had brought Russian tests. Ugh.. plus she said I have an accent. I do not have an accent, I'm like... fucking one hundred percent Estonian!