Thursday, October 04, 2012

she would smile and it would make me feel better

Dunno if I've mentioned it before but I might start going to church. There's some youth party thingy going on.
I don't like the drinking parties my other course mates attend so... Some girls off my course are going to the church parties so I might join them. And I just might change my mind about religious people, Christians.

The girl I had over the other day is super nice but she's really into religion. She is like... doubting and questioning everything.

Gahh...and I'm so nervous...anxious about the Sparta paper. Have to do a presentation infront of the whole course. I'm not scared of that but it'll be in a totally new place for me so I fear for my anxiety. Blah..blub.

And I still don't get it why people hate communism so much. I'm totally loving everything I'm learning about Sparta. I mean some dude kept transfering everybody to the next lot so nobody would have a better land or become richer than the others. Such a great plan.

Anyway, yeah I'm hoping I can do the presentation successfully without throwing up, feeling sick or faint. The relgious girl (Kati) said if I get nervous I can look to her and she would smile and it would make me feel better.

Sparta paper

Oh goddess, I've been so lazy this week. Didn't go in to lectures on Wednesday as well as today.
So I'm supposed to write this paper about Sparta... and I can't get literature for it! Gah, how am I supposed to do it then!? There's so little about Sparta on the Internet.
Yeah... I'm off to watch Friends and hopefully I'll get started on my Sparta paper.

Oh and yesterday I had my first guest over at my place. A girl from my course, we did this another paper together.