Thursday, January 12, 2012

bag the job

This one place that was looking for workers got about 800 applications and they picked out 150 for round two. And I was lucky enough to be picked. On the 20th of January they have some sort of an orientation thingy and then they will pick five people for the job.
I'm thinking I won't even make it to the orientation with my lousy health let alone get the job.
And I have a pic on my cv that's taken when I'm all made up and shit so now I don't know what I'll do to myself to look that representable.
Ugh...if only I didn't have anxiety. I'd so bag the job.

Plus, my mother doesn't like me sleeping around. She doesn't understand how one can sleep with a stranger. I call it common sense.

Oh and I hope it will stop snowing soon. If I can't get to a place by bike I won't get there at all.