Thursday, March 14, 2019


So a while back I thought I made a cute pun.
Was on the phone with mum. She was talking about how she walked the dogs and how the snow hadn't melted on the roads but had melted in our yard.
I told mum, "Kodusoojus melted it". If it's not a cute pun then I don't know what is.

Also, I made myself chuckle with another pun of mine.
I had gone shopping with mum one day and bought new underwear. The panties had "Love" written on the waistband thingy. And when I put them on I realized I had gained so much weight from my med and no lie, I told myself, "The waistband says "Loooooooove" when I put these pants on". But I've gone down on the dosage so hopefully will have lost most of the gained weight... maybe by the end of the summer.

Also, I've been on antibiotics since thursday. Docycyline. I'm handling it okay. Amoxicillin was better. Had no effect from it at all, other than thrush after two weeks on it. But the Doxy kinda upsets my stomach a little and gives me digestion problems. But I can totally handle it right now. Hopefully it won't completely kill me. Have to be on it for a month.