Thursday, March 18, 2010

Prone to addiction

I'm absolutely craving for crisps and sweets.
It's insane!
I've watched That 70s Show like a hundred times and it never gets boring.
All of the 8 seasons!
The same goes for all the other DVDs I own and the films on my computer.
When I start liking a song, it's the only song I listen to for days or in some cases weeks.
Like yesterday, I was watching videos on Youtube and came over a Justin Bieber song.
I listened to it so so sooo many times.
Yeah, his voice is kinda girly and blah, but he does a decent job, plus I like pop music.
I don't fancy Justin - he's a child afterall.

Gaahhh, I need money, I want to buy yummy stuff. Damn the Social Welfare people.
If I don't see my money tomorrow I'm gonna be super pissed. And I mean super pissed!
I'm thinking maybe they won't send me the money cause I didn't pay the hospital bill yet.
Oh, let me tell ya, if you don't send me the money, I'll never pay for the damn bill. Just cause I don't have the money.

Moan. Moan. Moan!

Maybe I'll ask someone for a euro and buy a pack of chips. Then eat them with Taco sauce..mmmm.....

Saw the plains from a closed point of view

Saw a psychologist.
Talked the same thing all over again.
Stomach is being a bitch, must be the crisps I had last night.

A few posts ago I was talking about collecting money.
Well, since the damn Paddy's days has been all over the place this week, the Social Welfare bastards have been slacking and I didn't have money for the bus fare to go to the psychologist.
Had to cash my change.
The bus took the long way to get to the town. Saw the plains I go walking on from the bus. Was weird.
Felt like a different place.

Anyway, putting some clothes to the wash and trying to eat something for the first time today.

Little funnies

Just have to say the old prayers


Father Dougal: Our Father, who art in heaven... (thinks)
Father Ted: Hollowed.
Father Dougal: Hollowed be thy... (thinks)
Father Ted: Name.
Father Dougal: (indecisively) Ah, papa don't preach.

Gotta love the popculture

(Nicked it off someone's blog. Thanks!)

Grooming when you're not grooming

(Father Dougal walks into the room)
Dougal: Morning, Ted.
Father Ted: Morning, Dougal. Uh, Dougal? There's, uh... There's some shaving cream just there. (points at his own neck)
Dougal: (looks at Ted's neck) No, there's not, Ted. You're grand.
Ted: No, on you.
Dougal: Oh, where exactly, Ted?
Ted: Just there, below your ear.
Dougal: Here? (rubs below his ear)
Ted: Yes, there's a bit more... (points at his own chin)
Dougal: (rubs own chin) Gone?
Ted: No, there's still just a... Dougal, it's all over the place.
Dougal: (walks in front of the mirror) Oh, God. How on earth did all that get there? I didn't even shave this morning.