Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Glee The Purple Piano Project review

Okay, Will and the woman, Rachel&Finn - sucking up to fans much?!

The geometry teacher - sucking up to non-fans much!?

Why is the Sasquatch always rubbing Mike's shoulders?

Plus, Mercedes dating Sam, that little scene was so unnecessary at the end of the previous episode, plus it's even more unnecessary to bring it up now.

What kinda normal man would discuss the green-red-light-business with his boss and enemy?!

I thought Sugar was rather good. And why make Artie say that retarded line!? Like anyone who doesn't want/like singing or can't do it, is a rubbish person.

Ugh, enough of the "hit it"s!

Oh god, and we continue with the gay overload! Why make these two fuckers act like the only normal human beings on the show!? Ryan Murphy at his gayest!

Yeah I get it that bad attention is better than none but Glee ain't the only one who benefits, I get more blog hits. In your face!

Well... that wasn't as negative as usually.