Saturday, April 02, 2011

Spring ahoy and I'm totally having my best PMS ever!

Oh and I just gotta say my mood is still very much elated. Spring ahoy and I'm totally having my best PMS ever!
This song totally gives me as much drive as my good mood!

Card Of The Day - Abundantia (upside down) and Sarasvati (upside down)

Okay, what's up with this Abundantia business now?
To get things clearer I decided to pull another card. Sarasvati, the arts? Well, the only thing that springs to mind with this or anything creative is my forum. And since they're both upside down I take it as...I shouldn't spend time on it or work on it. And finally leave the place for once and for all and leave it for the "grown up teens". Well, I guess I'll do the pink monster as promised and that's it.

Other than that, went for a bike ride. Man, is it beautiful out or what?! It's absolutely divine out! So...summery. Warm, sunny, sweet smelling. Stepmother said she'll ask someone for a bike and we can go together.
Oh and it's her and my father's birthday today. What nice day to have a birthday on?! Man, I just didn't like March at all but it's only the second day of April and it's gorgeous. I love April, except the fact that the fuckfaced Sasquatch was born in it. See? She ruins everything!

I see you

I've been watching Titanic on replay for a couple of days now and I realised the point James Cameron was trying to bring across: I see you.
In Avatar it's quite obvious, cause the I see you moment is kind of emotional and stuff, plus the main theme song is titled I See You.
Well, in Titanic Jack tells Rose he sees her and in My Heart Will Go On, Celine sings, "Every night in my dreams I see you".I
 don't know any of his other work, or maybe I do but unknowingly but I hope he got his point across now many years were between Titanic and Avatar? And he's still going on about the same thing, in exactly the same wording?