Wednesday, April 07, 2010

People suck!

Yeah, people suck.
I'm not gonna be put down.
And I'm not gonna let people put down my ideas.
I've gotta do what I've gotta do.


Yeah, bitches!!!
I'm so giddy at the moment it's unreal!

So yesterday I caught the acting bug.
Today I have the fever!

I was on internet all morning doing whatever.
Then thought I should eat and went downstair.
There was a little piece of newspaper on the fridge door.
It was an ad for TV and film workshop!!!
Basically a course to prepare you for film and tv auditions and such.
How amazing!
The thing is, I have very little money.
Have about 40 euros left.
The photoshoot this weekend will cost either 59 or 99 euros.
I will get social welfare money this week - 190 euros.
Will have to pay rent, at least 100.
So I'll have 130 euros.
And more than likely I'll go for the 59 euro photoshoot (59 is for 6 months contract, 99 for a year)
Then I'll have 70 euros for the week, minus travelling costs.
And then there's the workshop that gave me the fever.
That's around 190 euros.
I have to beg someone to lend me the money.
The course only lasts three days, four hours a day.
But apparently it's really full on and intense.
Oh and it takes place in my bf's hometown.
He's been trying to get me to go over to his place and now he better have me over!

Didn't ring work yet, I don't want to talk to them.
I was thinking of going down to social welfare and dicussing me being fired and money business, but this is so much better!
I don't care I won't have money to buy food or pay the rent.
I have to do this!
Oh, I was told if they don't get 10 people to sign up it'll be pushed back a bit.
Might actually work better like that.
Anyway, I'm giddy and happy.

Hopefully it's not the tablet making me feel like I "can conquer the world" as the doctor said.

Hello, I'm the sun.

Hmh, so I'm trying out something out of the ordinary.
I've been in three school plays in my life.
First was a play in English, it was called The Turnip.
I was the sun in it. Was the first to speak.
I remember a couple of lines from it, "Hello, I am the sun" and "Grow, little turnip, grow".

Then there was a Christmas play and I was supposed to be a snowflake.
But the girl who played the witch fell ill so I took over the witch role.
I had to yell "Shut up" real loud and say a few other things.

And the third play, I was a mushroom.
I was just squatting there.
Oh well, beats being a fir tree.
My baby brother was one. :D

Oh and my class had to do another play for Christmas and everybody in the class had to take part in it.
I hated the idea of acting or performing, cause I was too shy.
So what I did to get out of performing, I wrote the play.
While my class was performing it, the audience kept talking and nobody really paid attention to the play, but I was happy that I didn't have to be up there myself and ...was kind of proud of my play, didn't matter that people weren't interested.

Anyways, I'm not gonna act just yet, but I will be signing up with this one agency type of thing.
So, just for the experience, even an extra part would be brilliant. :)
I'd like to do television or films, think you need to be really talented for theatre.
I have no talent whatsoever, but a little interest and want to do something....sort of offbeat.

And why I decided to go for it is cause I recieved a letter from my manager from work today.
When I had been on sick leave for 3 months (that was in October), I rang my workplace.
I wanted to know if I had to go back to work or if I could stay on sick leave cause I still didn't have a diagnosis.
Anyway, my manager said she'll send out a letter to arrange a meeting to discuss it.
Waited for a couple of weeks then rang again.
She said she'll send out a letter, she won't discuss anything on the phone.
Fair enough.
I did ring the third time aswell.
Same answer.
So today I recieved a letter saying how I never contacted them and what the story is.
What eejits!
If they want to fire me, then it's quite...bollocks.
I really don't want to be unemployed.
Think I'll do one of those FAS courses where they'll pay you when taking the course.

So yeah....hopefully the acting thing will make my life a bit more interesting.
Fingers crossed!

The only thing is I don't want to go there alone.
I'm hoping Katriona will go with me.
She might have to go home to help her parents and all.
This weekend.
Will see.