Saturday, December 24, 2016

my first and probably only

Okay, so it's Yule and I just had to pee desperately. Like, I've complained about peeing before and how I just hate it. I hate the desperate pressure when you need to go but I also don't wanna go before my bladder isn't completely full cause what's the point?
Yeah anyway, got my first and probably only present this holiday:
A very good present though, I must admit. From Ilme. I had this manky towel in the kitchen, cause I stopped using the paper towels and my mum forgot to bring the bag with clean stuff for me with her when she came to town this week, meaning she didn't get to bring new clean towels like I has asked her to (I only have one little one for hands/dishes and when it's in the wash I can't use anything) so Ilme had bought me a towel. The green thing. Yeah, it's nice but it doesn't absorb too well. Maybe I need to wash it first, dunno.
Then she got me bin liners. Hahaha, that's most likely a hint. But I really needed them anyway and don't have money to buy them. Was gonna steal a couple from work but forgot. So, nice.
And then she got me this oven cooked apple flavoured white chocolate which is one of my faves at the moment. Nice!

Yeah gotta put the bin liners into good use tomorrow cause I gotta clean up my place for sunday when my dad's family might come over.