Friday, July 21, 2017

officially quitting

Also today I'm supposed to take olanzapine but I'm officially quitting. Hopefully for good. I won't rejoice just yet, will see if I get any bad withdrawal effects. I don't think so cause I've been weening off for a year now but will see.

You can't just be there to be there, you gotta do the work aswell

Okay, today was the first day of work this week. My supervisor actually let me off work for three days cause I was on antibiotics.
Wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but still felt very very woozy, like about to pass out or fall over. Obviously nauseated but it was actually manageable. Not as sickly as the last time years ago.
So yeah, today I worked. Man, I love my job! No fucking jinx okay!?
I felt so happy and energetic today when working. The accountant in the shop kinda implied that my substitute wasn't that good.
And I could see this myself. I feel like if no one had cleaned the place when I was gone it would have been cleaner lol
Jesus fuck! The carpet in the "customers' lounge" was a fucking mess!!! There were two fresh horribly big and wide and long stains. Like, how in the world my substitute and the girl during the day can just walk by and clean them!?
One stain was a coffee stain which I hope came out better than the other which was of this blueberry drink. That blueberry does not come out!
I think I'll have to scrub some more tomorrow.
The tables were dusty and the floors had dustbunnies. Like, what did the substitute do? Thanks for covering for me but like...? You can't just be there to be there, you gotta do the work aswell.
But my supervisor had warned me and told me stories about substitutes not really cleaning anything. Wow!
Somehow I managed to get out around 9.20pm or so.

Oh yeah and I wanna register my laptop finally cause I think one of it's ventilators was making weird noises. And I think I can't do the warranty thing if I haven't registered it.
I need a pic of the invoice for it. Mum has it on paper. Been dealing with it for a couple of days.
Long story short, mum doesn't know how to send pics, on phone or internet. She just had to find the invoice and get my brother to take the pic.
I called him yesterday asked him to take a nice clear shot of the invoice. That's it.
Today mum sent me message "done".
Rang her and she started going on about how my brother got both pics, of the invoice and the cup.
The cup?
Mum was like yeah, he said you wanted a pic of a cup so I got the one you gave me for birthday thinking you wanna show it off to someone.
And I was like wtf!? What cup?
And she's like I don't know, Lauri said you wanted a pic of a cup.
So I got home from work and went on FB:
That's that then.

Also my body can't catch a break. Today's the first day I didn't take any antibiotics and I started my period lol
