Thursday, March 09, 2017

man from the criminals

Okay, just remembered. Mum was over last firday. Showed her a pic of Matthew and I said he was a beautiful man I liked. To my surprise she recognised him! She said, "it's the man from the criminals. He normally has long hair. I like him better with long hair. This short hair makes him look like a little boy".

this dark season

So it's the beautiful day of Matthew Gray Gubler's birthday. And it's also the day I fell sick for the first time during this dark season, autumn and winter. For real. Not completely yet but my nose is runny and have shoulder aches.
Ugh, fuck March.

Didn't think I had it in me

Wow, what a day it was. Didn't think I had it in me to pull off a day like this.
Got up at 10:30 to meet my stepmum. Was gonna be with her til she had her doctor at 12:30 but I decided I was gonna go with her to the doctor's office.
When we met up we chatted a little outside at the bus station. The sun was nice but the wind was chilly so we went inside the bus station. We went to the cafe. Can't remember what she ordered but she bought me french fries. Had them with ketchup. Fuck yes! I ate outside my house!
Then we went to see her doc. Everything was fine.
Then we went to Ristiisa Pubi cause she was hungry. I was too scared to get the special cause I didn't think I'd be able to eat it all. Got just fries again. The bus station ones were better cause they had seasoning. I ate. But I got really dizzy, light headed and it was a little hard to swallow but I ate most of my fries.
Then we went to the pharmacy and bought a thing for my stepmum and a nose spray for me. She paid for both of my fries and the nose spray! Plus she gave me 20 euros!
Then we went to Kaubamaja. And she bought me new winter boots!!! They were like 39 euros with discount.
I like them. I like how cute they look when I don't have to tuck my trousers on top of them. I can tuck the trousers in and it looks good.
Then we wandered around a little and at 14:45 I had to go to Tartu Loodusmaja for my work meeting. I dunno, it was this weird meeting, not sure why it was held. We toured to building which I loved!! I used to go to this house when I was a little girl cause I was really into biology, plants and animals.
Anyway, these are the first clips I got from the day:
I think I found out what my own cacti are called now.
 Mine look just like that. I got the name of it:
It should be echinopsis eyriesii. I'm pretty sure it's the ones I have. Now I can read up about them and make them grow and flourish!

Also I got this pic of herbs:
And this little winter garden:
We took pics down there. Like official ones. Oh and there were turtles in that water, with three of them basking under a warm lamp.

Plus other cuties:
Turtle doves. Apparently they were the bird of the year or something. And they had a little baby in the nest:
 This bunny was freely hopping around there.
And these mice like beings cuddling up.

Oh and then we had cake:
Yeah I ate outside of my house three times and was around people!
And then I went to work. I never even took Diazepam. Woo!