Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wooo, my old lady is a racy one!

Being ill has it's advantages.
I got into Sims again.
Wooo, my old lady is a racy one! :D

Plus, I think I'm getting into a boyfriend mood myself.
What's happening to me?!
Oh well, I've been kind of single for about 4 months so...
I kind of planned having about a hundred one night stands before my next boyfriend but oh well.
I technically don't have a bf yet so I have time to sleep around.
Well, there is kind of someone who doesn't seem to bad but dunno...


Okay, I must have complained about it before but I don't care.
How on earth do you get rid of the damn IE on your computer!?
It just pops up at random times and when you close the window it pops up another one asking for shit and when you close that it pops up the first window and when you go to close that one again it pops up the second window again and the thing is NEVERENDING!!!!
I can't do anything cause of this shit.

And I dunno where the computer makers hid IE cause I cannot find it in my programmes list.
It's probably hidden in the "annoying computer shit" list and unfortunately for me I have no idea where the list is, it's probably hidden aswell.

What kind of a normal person uses IE anyway?
I have Windows 7 and then they put some ancient IE on it.
And it's not even working properly cause it pops up when I don't wanna do anything with it.
Who the fuck benefits from it?

Ozzy Osbourne owns all Bieber haters

So I bet the Bieber haters are over the moon when Ozzy said "Who the fuck is Justin Bieber?"
They probably think he put the kid in his place.
Well, the only person Ozzy put in place was a Justin hater.
If you're such a rock and roller then how the fuck do you know who Justin Bieber is and I'm not gonna even talk about hating him or having an opinion about him?!
Seriously, like this one fuck said on Slipknot's video that everyone should go and press the dislike button n Justin's birthday which is on the 14th of March or something.
How on Earth do you know something like that?!
Like, I'm not a hater but I have no idea about his birthday or anything else about him.
People are just pathetic self haters who read up about stuff that irritates them.

If you seriously don't like something don't learn every single fucking minute detail about it!