Friday, June 04, 2010

I'm happy.

Yesterday was almost a perfect day.
It got ruined when I started feeling sick and faint after eating soup.
But anyways, I got my medical card thing sorted, course thing kind of sorted.
And today I got my GP business sorted.

Have to fill in this form for the career co-ordinator.
It'll say what type of person I am.
There's six types.
And there's also six types of jobs in the world.
Yeah, that and I'm waiting for a call from some other people who will be running the maths course.

And I recieved a letter yesterday saying that I'm fully eligible for a medical card.
I don't have the card yet just the letter which does the job, one's a medical card - that means free health service, tests, medicine - and one's a GP card - free GP visits. Yay!
Yeah, I had to see my GP for the letter for social welfare.
Well thanks to the letter about the cards I got to see my doctor and I got a letter off him.
And he had a look at my sore elbow.
Was prescribed a gel.
If my arm doesn't get any better in 2 weeks time I have to go back to do an x ray.
Anyways I went in for nine o clock.
The receptionist told me yesterday to come in today to make an appointment with the doc.
Went in at nine so and got an appointment for 10.20.
Was walking around the shopping centre to kill time. All the shops in it were closed.
Bought plasters for my thumb - cut it while cutting sausage.
And before I went in to actually see my doctor I went to GameStop and bought Sims 3 Ambitions.
I was totally chanting for it to work.
And it did.
Luckily there isn't just a big bunch of dumbasses on the Sims website.
Some chap posted a pretty clear post about updates.
Once I get back on there I'll post a thank you note.

Yeah, so all that is sort of going well.
I'm happy.
Even if things will go my way only for a little while.
Like yesterday.
Everything was ruined in a matter of minutes.

Anyways, when I got home I played the sims.
Tried out all the new things.
I just have to get rid of all the old people.
They're in my way.

Oh and I got "loads of money" from SW.
I think they paid for two weeks for some reason.

Yeh, I'm on my way out now to... air myself.
I have long hours of sim playing ahead.

Oh and I bought the King Kong film.
It's some special 2 disc edition.
My bet was that the film was probably too long for one disc so they put the half where the people are on the boat on disc 1 and when they finally get to the island on disc number 2. :D
Then I read that disc 2 was for bonus material. Over 3 hours of bonus material. It's almost half as long as the film itself. :D

Right, one of my housemates is having some girls over.
All I can hear is loads of excited girls' voices saying "Hello!" and "Look at your hair!"
There's some special offers. Something to do with Sex and The City film.
Think there's like... a cheap dinner and the film combo or something.
I dunno, I'm not going.

Yeah, so off for a walk now.