Saturday, October 06, 2018

Just me and my life!

Holy fucks! I was diagnosed with endometriosis a while ago. I've had pains and bleeding for over a year now.
And right now the pain is so bad and I've felt nausea for a few days too. Man! No more fucking pills please! Leave my hormones alone!
I've been going to the loo like a hundred times. It's so bad on my bladder. And I feel like I have bowel issues too. It just fucks everything up.
At least I can use my blog right!?

Been to the doc with this. They say only pills or surgery is the way to "treat" the little blood... sacks? Ugh. I don't want either! I wanna live a normal life. No more pains, discomfort, nausea, pills, doctors, focus on health! Just me and my life!