Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Heh, something weird happened yesterday. :D
I was in the kitchen making a peanut butter sandwhich, I was alone.
Then as I walked out, when I was just stepping out the kitchen, the microwave oven beeped.
It beeps a few times when it stops heating up something and when you don't take it out immediately it does one beep after every minute or so. And I heard one beep. I immediately thought my brother had something in there and had left it. I turned around and went back. It all happened really quickly so I know no one else had been in the kitchen while I was there making sandwhiches and when I left the kitchen for a couple of seconds.
I walked over to the oven to get whatever was in there and I saw that the microvawe oven's door was open and there was nothing inside. Freaked me out!
I just got off the phone with my mum and I asked her if the thing makes noise when the door is left open and she said no, it doesn't do anything at all when the door is open, for safety reasons.

It's so fundamentally itself

So I don't know what the deal is but I've been insanely drowsy the past few days.
I'm thinking it could be the weather cause it's been mostly raining.
Then I'm thinking it could be Cipralex.
But I've lost a whole lot of weight, I weigh less than 55 kg at the minute so I'm thinking it could be the Mirtazapin I take in the evening. Cause I've had this before, that when I lose weight the Mirtazapin really kicks in and makes me weak and drowsy during the day.
The weight issue is really starting to worry me, I know it's summer and I swim and move more, ride the bike to Tartu and sweat more but I also eat less and I'm thinking it's catching up with me. And when I start looking underweight I might go to hospital as the doctor said and I don't want that. And then I'm thinking maybe I feel so weak cause I cannot eat properly, although it seems I can eat better than say a week ago.
Health business aside, I started watching Home Improvement. I just gotta say this show has the best damn pilot I've ever seen. It's so fundamentally itself. It's refreshing to see such a strong yet seemingly effortless pilot. I've obviously seen the show before on TV so I know how true to the show the first episode is, the storyline, characters, mood, , humour, everything.