Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Terrible night

Seriously, this must have been the coldest little fucker yet.
I was shaking all through the night.
Had the electric blanket on, boyfriend next to me, hood and socks on - no use.
On top of that, I felt sick.
Started last evening.
Couldn't eat, although me and my boyfriend got a delivery - Thai food.
He was stuffed.
Oh I got some Christmas presents off him.
Didn't feel like receiving Christmas presents, felt more like birthday.
Anyway, I got three films, a Westlife album and a fragrance.
The films: Semi-Pro, which neither of us had seen before.
We watched it last night, but fell asleep. Will have to watch it again.
Then Old School Unseen, which he has seen and I guess he liked it. Haven´t seen that one myself.
And then Tropic Thunder, which we went to see in cinema.
I love watching films over and over so it´s good he got it. I liked the film a lot.
I had told him he can get DVDs for me or Westlife´s new album.
I haven´t listened to it yet, but I like What About Now and I´ve liked Westlife forever so... very pleased.
Plus, the fragrance is Versace Woman. I was actually kind of surprised by that.
Boyfriend was joking that I look really young and the fragrance is kind of...for older women.
"Late twenties" as my boyfriend said and he made out that I look young and Woman is for older women so it balances me out. He was only messing, but I´m thinking he could be right.
I think he said I look like a young woman and smell like an old one now. :D

I got actually kind of worried that I cannot afford that many presents for him and he said it´s okay, cause I´ve a lot going on with hospitals and stuff and I deserve to be spoilt.

Don´t think I will see him this year anymore. He will go home to be with his family.
Anyway, I have three films and some new music to consume. I´ll be okay.
Think I will light a fire in the fireplace though, cause the house is too cold.
Hell, I could see my breath 15 minutes ago in my room.

Yeah, I´ll just pluck up the courage to go out to the cold and buy me something nice to eat.
I´d actually love to go for a walk, haven´t left the house in weeks.
Oh that reminds me - I don´t like it when I have a boyfriend and friend type of people ask me to go out to meet some men.
And when I tell them I have a boyfriend they´re like "Oh, but he´s cheating on you anyway", "So what!", "but the new lad is as big as a horse". That kind of bribing is very disrespectful.
When I have a boyfriend I have A boyfriend!