Thursday, August 21, 2014

It covers all areas of my life, it's entwined into every aspect of my life, it's the foundation of every bit of me

Okay...went for a bike ride in the rich part of the town again. And again, started thinking of how I'll never have a nice house like those there.
But then I thought some of my dreams have come true. Like, for instance, I was obsessed with Ireland as a... well not kid but a young teenager. And boom! I got to live there for 5 years. And while I was living there I was sort of "rich". As in, I always bought everything I wanted. There were no financial limitations. And I always had money left over every month so I could collect it. I spent about 400 euros on food, 400 on clothes and other stuff and more than 400 was left over.
Then I got myself a boyfriend I had wanted for years. And got my dream date with a guy. I think I've talked about this before on my blog, but I always wanted to go to an art gallery on a first date and I did it. It was with Stephen and we went to a museum and art gallery. Perfect! Then I always said I wanna go to a Vivaldi concert with a guy and me and Stephen did it together.
Then since graduation from secondary school I had always wanted to go to uni. I got to go twice, albeit I never finished the courses.
So... I've had some pretty great perks in my life. :)

Sad thing is, I don't have any more dreams. I've thoroughly succumbed to my illness. It covers all areas of my life, it's entwined into every aspect of my life, it's the foundation of every bit of me.