Sunday, March 27, 2011

Card Of The Day - Ostara and Ixchel

So since my brother was visiting me I kinda didn't have time to do cards. Anyway, here are my cards for today:
Ostara, the first one. Okay I gotta say when talking about fertility I very much think of pregnancy and shit. And this card indicates it but I think we're looking at something else here. It says my desire will fulfill in springtime which hopefully indicates my exams will go well and I will get into some good university.
If it doesn't mean that then it might mean a new idea is a very good investment or it's a good time to start something new and make changes. This made me think of riding the bike which I've been doing for two days
Another thing may be that "I will be involved with a successful child business". It might mean that my brother coming over meant our relationship got stronger which would be quite obvious.
Well, since it might mean so many things I thought it is necessary to pull another card, especially cause ostara might also mean a resurrection of the old. That made me worry cause I've had bad anxiety recently and I haven't been able tpo eat properly, very much like during the summer before and during the hospital. Ugh...and well....unfortunately the next card that was supposed to give some explanation is health related - Ixchel.
Man....back when I lived in Ireland and was very very depressed I constantly got this card. Sometimes several times in a row. I kinda used to think of it as a protecting goddess or card. Like when I did the energy cleansing course, Ixchel would always be on my mind. Not that I particulary believe in any gods or spirits but I take it as a symbol of a feeling/situation/etc. The card says either I'm being healed or should start a healing process. I really really hope it doesn't mean I have to go to hospital.

All this makes me think of the card I got a while back that said I was gonna be very sensitive and shit. I guess if you overthink and analyze it it kinda came true. And I guess the Earth card was thrown in there cause of Japan.

just put my foot in my mouth

Hhahahahaaaa...just put my foot in my mouth.
The wallpaper in my brothers room has planets and spaceships on it and they glow in the dark.
I just found and said, "Ma ei teadnud, et need pimendavad helendas", meaning "I didn't know they darken in the glow".
Whatever....think I rode my bike for too long today. :D

mp3 bike

Okay, today has been a little better. Or yesterday so.
Me and the brother went riding bikes. Yeah, it's not easy in the snow but we did it anyway.
Was fun.
The embarrassing thing was though that I couldn't remember what the bike was called that my brother was riding. I just called it a "trick bike". Later on when the brother talked about it, he called it bmx.
I was so glad I had called the bike a "trick bike" cause I could remember it had like three letters in the name but I thought it was called an "mp3". :D I swear. Not hip at all!