Thursday, March 13, 2014

super sore

Blah, it's the second day when I grit my teeth. They're super sore. I guess my anxiety has to show somehow. The 12th of March was pretty awesome in a way. I went to a ton of shops and didn't have any anxiety at all.
And now when I tried to eat dinner, my appetite was gone. Hopefully it's just tonight. I hope it's not cause of my not taking Olansapin. As I said in my earlier post, I'm terrified of getting a job. I hope, again, it's just something I can fix with a pill. Although, I kinda don't believe these last two amazing days could be the end of my anxiety problems. Yeah and I bought incense for my mother and I haven't even burnt it yet and it's making my room all smelly. Reminds me of this shop I want to work at. They sell all sorts of crystals and incense and burn it in the shop aswell. And that is making me anxious, what with me being scared of work.
Blaaaaahhhhh! And my internet is screwing me over and won't let me watch 8 Simple Rules. Guess I'll keep watching this Miley Cyrus film. Ugh, she is so pretty and talented...why has she lost her mind!?