Tuesday, March 28, 2017

We good? Okay.

Ah, just noticed I haven't blogged in a week! How!? lol
Well, don't wanna jinx it but I'm doing a lot better health wise. No effing jinx, okay body!? We good? Okay.
I got prescribed even smaller dosage of Olanzapine. Right now I'm taking a quarter of 10mg every other day. Will buy the 5mg one and take a quarter of that every four? days.
Like this.
no pill
no pill
And then 2,5 again and so on
I just slowly tapering.

Yeah and my disability money business should be sorted. Get good money from there.

But my job stuff is still uncertain. Dunno if the car shop and the cleaning company can compromise. Should find out this week. If I understood correctly if the car shop doesn't accept our offer then this should be my last week at work. Or maybe a little longer then so they can find a new cleaning company.
If they don't accept the cleaning company's offer and call off the contract I wanna stay in the car shop. And not with the cleaning company. Like, the people at the cleaning company are super nice to me but I gotta think of my anxiety and money.
It would be healthier for me to stay there. I'm just thinking of asking them what new cleaning company they're going for, the car shop, then contact the new company and tell them I already work at the shop and would like to keep cleaning there and if it would be okay to switch cleaning companies and work for them. Hopefully it will be as easy.
But maybe the car shop accepts the offer and all is good. I just hope they won't make me work on saturdays cause I'd like to go to mum's place in summer at the weekends.