Friday, January 11, 2019


Wow. This was a first. I outshopped my mum today. She has this stupid idea of keeping the winter coat on in shops so it was basically like this:
Mum: Ooh, let's go to this shop and then that one.
And then in every shop we went to...
Mum: Can we leave already, I'm so hot!
I told her so many freaking time to take her damn coat off and she said she can't be bothered to have anything in her hands/arms.
Anyway, I got a cute little jacket and a winter coat myself cause the zipper on my last one broke. It was actually the reason why we went shopping today.
Plus I got new sneakers. I don't wanna wear my winter boots cause the salt they put on the roads completely destroys my footwear. I literally bought the runners for this winter only. The only bad thing is, they have kinda hot pink details and laces on them. I will definitely buy some muter coloured laces, like gray.

Yeah and I feel like I might be menopausing. No lie. It's the psych meds I feel.