Saturday, June 11, 2011

Damn, I didn't take my camera with me today.
The whole family took the dogs swimming today. And it was the first time our pup swam. At first he was scared but when he saw his mum swim he went after her. He could swim right away. He was such a brave little thing.

Did quite a bit of weeding today. Only carrots are left now but mother said she'll do it in the morning. Ahh, I love how lush our garden looks right now. The peas are coming out all nice and healthy, so hopefully we'll get a lot of sweet peas. The beans are nice aswell. Oh and we have one half-red strawberry!
Plus, the cornflowers are in bloom. I love cornflowers, they're my favourite. I'll try and take pics tomorrow and post on here.
Oh, one morning I was woken up by this knocking. I have three explanations to it:
1)It was the neighbours knocking on the wall
2)A ghost :D
3)A bigger flying insect flying into the window repeatedly
I thought it was the first, until I heard a dragonfly fly into the window today.

Speaking of flying into windows, for some reason quite a few birds have flown into the ground floor window and died. Very weird.
Plus, a few days ago I found a baby bird on the ground. It was very very small, had a couple of downy feathers on its head. It was still very much alive. I picked it up and could feel how fragile and warm it was. There was no nest to be seen so it must have fallen down somewhere further and the dogs brought it over to our house. My mother told me to ut it into a field to die cause... well, there was nothing we could do to save it.
The next day I found another baby bird but that one was already dead.
And yesterday there was a grown bird layind dead on the ground.
Plus, the dogs were barking like mad last night. I went out to check on them. And the fuckers were barking at a hedgehog. I took the thing away from them and released somewhere safe.

And I dunno if I already wrote about it but there are so many frogs around here and we have to keep saving those from the dogs aswell. One didn't make it though cause the pup was chewing on one dried one last night.