Sunday, January 24, 2010

Four and half days

Haven't heard from my man in 4 and half days.
Last text he sent me said he was depressed 'til I start my period and if I don't he'll be suicidal.
That's not a very nice atmosphere to leave me lingering in.
Feeling period pains for the second day, hopefully not early pregnancy signs.

Had a heart to heart with a friend who didn't judge me.
Talked to another female friend who was in the same boat as me.
Said men are all selfish bastards.

I know pregnancy scare can be scary but don't blame the woman for not taking the pill when you could have used a condom. I can not be held responsible for someone elses fear that they could have avoided themselves in the first place.

Have a bit of money.
If I'm gonna be sensible I'll pay for my hospital pill.
If I'm gonna be down and need comforting I'm gonna buy Sims 3 World Adventures.
If I break up with my boyfriend I'll buy him a present, cause I didn't get him anything last year for Christmas or Valentine's Day and he got me loadsa stuff.

I like Impulse fragrances, but the shower gels are just too...smelly. You wouldn't wash your lady parts with that stuff unless you were aiming for yeast infection. Bought it cause it only cost 1 euro.