Saturday, March 08, 2014

I don't think my body knows what it's doing

Oh dear lordess. I don't think my body knows what it's doing. Looks like I started my period. Again.
I hope it's the real deal now cause that would explain why I felt so horrible yesterday. All of yesterday is forgiven then.


I got my disability money yesterday. Called it my payday. Told my mother I bought crisps and chocolate cause it was my payday. So before all the work and bullying drama (cue previous post) we were in such a good mood and kept joking about payday and money. The mother was waiting for her actual payday money which she never got. She gets a message on her mobile when money is lodged on her account but as of yesterday, nothing. So she went to the shop with my card and pretended it was her payday, meaning she bought a lot of crap. And so she did today aswell. Went to town to buy stuff with my money like it's her payday :D
I don't feel bad. Lucky I get to help out the family. I mean she will give all the money back to me once she gets paid herself,.