Monday, December 10, 2012

My nails are getting too long, can't pick my nose

Okay, a while back, around my birthday, my dad and stepmum came over to visit me. Stepmum said that crisps could be the reason why I have anxiety. She said shit like that fucks up your body. So I decided to stop eating them. Haven't had crisps since Friday now. Let's see how long I can keep it up.

My nails are getting too long, can't pick my nose.

Need to move on with my life

Okay, I have my first job interview tomorrow. Some random grocery store.
I also applied for a job as a.... vet assistant. Not sure I wanna see badly injured animals though.
Also, applied for a job in a hotel. Would love that.
Ugh, no more anxiet please. Need to move on with my life.

Oh and what is this monstrosity called Feliz Navidad sung by the lovely Kevin McHale!? I hate this salsa or whatever the shitty music.

taking a break from uni and go to work

Well, I guess it's settled then. I'll be taking a break from uni and go to work.