Friday, August 06, 2010

The bad barefooted

Nothing much has happened.
Getting a bit healthier I guess.
Eating's not as big of a problem as it was.
Just get really anxious in the evenings.
Taking two tablets - an antidepressant in the morning and a tranquilliser-type-of-pill in the evening.

Had water therapy again.
Was great.
Maybe I'll get to swim again tomorrow.
In a lake, like.
The weather's supposed to be really hot so... I'll stroll away from the hospital for a bit.
Think I'll be meeting the 40 year old Arno I've mentioned before today.
He rang me and wanted to meet.
I won't be taking part in any romantic activities, just going to spend some time with a person.

Oh and I've been walking around barefoot.
Everyone's always commenting on it.
They're mostly kind of like... giving out.

Oh and as I'm typing this the radio is playing Ellie Goulding's Starry Eyed.
Yay! Go Estonian radio!
"Let's joing forces, we've got our guns and horses... la dee dah"