Sunday, June 03, 2012

some very important news

Oh and I forgot some very important news. Donna, the dog we used to own, is preggers! How amazing!

Take what you take

Okay, yesterday I learned a few things. Like, I must never stand up for my mother cause she only sticks with me when she's in trouble. When I'm in need of support she sticks with any one but me.
Second thing I learned is that my father really is a chauvinist. Mother said that when they were married he didn't allow my mother to go out and have fun, she had to stay st home, cook and look after me.
Oh and she also said it was abnormal of me not to be in a relationship. Like, I'd rather be alone than be in a relationship with the kind of men she is and has been with.
So her and her friend were all acting like they were older, more experienced and wiser. Well, fuck, you sure are older than me but you're also bitter and stupid.