Wednesday, December 08, 2010

A Very Glee Christmas Review

Okay, I thought I might have a chance to be extra bitchy again cause I don't particulary like what Christmas has become cause of Christianity so I'll jump on the a-potential-to-be-bitchy wagon and watch Glee.

I'll be writing this as I watch the episode.

First off.
Didn't Kevin say somewhere that his mother kept friend requesting him on Facebook and he denied it?
The scene rang a little I-have-heard-of-it jingle bell!

*the streaming video needs to buffer. Off to make breakfast*

And what's with the panda hat?

Are there any more of those things in the show? Probably, and it's probably stuff most people don't know about.

Ooh, what a great class. Seems to be one of the most normal classes in that school. I bet by the end of the episode they'll be all caroling together and they've realised that Glee is cool and noble or some shit like that.

Should a show aimed at little kids be talking about whether Santa exists or not? And I think I can see a moral coming out of it - you have to believe in magic or goodwill and Christmas is all about that or 'some shit like that".

So a Jew was made to give a gift. Just for the sake of someone who celebrates Christmas. Wrong!
Why not do a "Christmas" episode for the sake of all the people who don't celebrate Christmas? Why favour the ones who celebrate it? And to bring in the episode where the dude kissed Kurt - why favour gays? Why put the people in their place when their views differ from yours, especially when the show is..apparently... about embracing your difference? Oh and why are they so desperate to get Artie walking? Why can't they be happy for him being in a wheelchair? That's who he is, why change it? Glee fail.

Boring Rachel solo. And was the Broadway line brought in cause of Lea's past?

Arghh... A dog robot for Sue?! I used to be scared of those when I was a kid. Ugh!

It's probably a classic but I don't like Baby It's Cold Outside. They're totally singing over one another and I don't understand what either of them is saying.

Finn is at his cheese business again.

Ugh and Last Christmas is so over-rated and -played. Horrible song.

Er...that was it?

Okay then. Dind't even get the chance to bitch properly.
It was quite nothing so I don't have much more to say.

On a personal note, I'm after a virgin. Ha! :D
Don't think it's too suitable at 25 but...we'll see.