Friday, January 10, 2014

loving this winter

I don't wanna jinx it now but I'm loving this winter. We don't have any snow whatsoever. I hope it stays this way for the whole winter.
And I've been waiting like crazy for the days to be longer. It's still dark by 4 o'clock in the evening. Boo!

Am back at mother's place. Think tomorrow we will burn more twigs and branches. Last weekend we took down two massive fir trees and this weekend we're gonna work on them. Hopefully it'll rain tomorrow aswell so we don't have to I can sleep :)


Ahh..I'm so in love with this song!!! I used to hate the word "psychadelic" cause it sounds so pretentious and stupid but this song makes me feel indifferent towards the word. Yeah, the word is really not the issue here anyway. The song is amazing!!! I wish I could sing like that. I like to think I'd be able to write a song like that or even a poem but I've let that hobby of mine go. Should really pick it up.