Wednesday, August 06, 2014


Okay, I found another thing to complain about. Audio-books. I hate it when people are saying they're "reading" a book when they're actually listening to one. Like, when you listen to music you don't say you're reading music. Or when someone talks you're not saying you're reading their mind.
I'm not into reading story books like...but when you're listening to something then you're listening not reading it!

Yeah...anyway, I just got back from the graveyard. I worked on my grandmother and grandfather's grave. Was nice to kinda give back a bit since I believe they're with me a lot and help me through days copying with anxiety. Or maybe it's all in my head. At least I got out of the house and did something useful.

Then I talked to my dad and stepmom on the phone. Yeah I don't hate my dad but he did drive me crazy when we lived together, with his window business. Yeah I really regret not visiting my father's parents in Russia when they were still alive. My father tried to get me to go there for years, was always talking about me getting a passport. Why didn't I!?

Oh and I'm creating a new forum. I really really hope it'll be active.