Monday, September 12, 2011

our local alien

Our local crop circle:

And our local alien who made the circle:

This is the last pic I took with Donna.

This is when mother and her man went totake her to her new home. She crawled onto my lap and didn't wanna go at all.

Here's a scarecrow me and mum made. We have the sea buckthorns there and boy do the birds love thir berries.

And onto more spiritual things. Here's my religious shit:

Love the box. Bought it at local fair.The wooden platter thingy is... will be something that represents the goddess. I have actually coloured it already and the chakra stones, I will glue them on to the platter.

Here's my BOS. Still empty.

And I found a pic of my two tattoos so posted them on here aswell: