Thursday, May 11, 2017

And I even said,"I bet something turns to shit now cause it always does" and seeeee? It did!

Okay, I think I ight get fired. I pissed off my supervisor today. I just felt like I was treated unfairly and was being used and I tried to talk to her and she snapped at me saying she doesn't wanna hear it cause she has enough problems. She asked me to cover for the girl that cleans during the day and I said I didn't wanna cause she wouldn't cover for me the last time. The first time she went to some model casting during her work hours and I had to cover for her. Then a couple of days later I wanted a day off to go to my borther's 9th grade graduation. Yeah nobody could be found to cover for me so I couldn't go cause you know... model casting is a lot more serious, like having a job interview for another position during your work hours when someone else is covering for you is a lot more important and deserves a day off.
Then I told my supervisor I didn't wanna do it for the girl anymore cause of that. And then my supervisor told me I would be doing it for her not the girl. So I reluctantly agreed. Only cause of the money.
By the end of the day I had so much anger in me that I just had to call her and tell her how I felt. This time the girl needed a day off cause one of her kids got sick. Okay. Thing is, I was sick twice this winter and asked for days off, my supervisor didn't accommodate. And now some kid falls ill and I have to accomodate? For the woman who didn't let me go to my little brother's graduation?
Why is her kid more important than my little brother? Why is the kid's health more important than mine?
My supervisor said that they don't even have to give days off but that she does accommodate sometimes. Okay, how is it okay to have a worker go on a job interview for another position during her work hours? Like and when I'm sick and ask for a day off, it's not important?
And then my supervisor just was like "well, don't come tomorrow then". I dunno if she meant to cover for the girl or at all. I mean I will go in in the evening and do my own part cause I haven't done anything wrong.

Yeah and I've talked about this before whenever I say something is good it gets fucked. And it happened today. I had lunch today with mum and I told her I love my job cause the people and my boss are normal. And I even said,"I bet something turns to shit now cause it always does" and seeeee? It did!

A good thing hopefully is that my new laptop thing almost got sorted today. I have to go in tomorrow with mum and sign the new contract and hopefully it'll be done and well this time.

Also, when mum was over last time, we ordered some things off the internet. One thing was a phone case. And it arrived today and looked so lovely. And they're super cheap. I looked at some for my phone today. Mum should come over in two weeks so hopefully we'll get to order stuff again.

Also, I went to wash my bike today in the manual car wash. Yeah there was a gap/slot for some partner card thingy or gift card and I'm stupid and stuck a coin in there :D So embarrassing! Whoever went in there after me definitely thought some complete idiot was there before them. And they'd be right. I went to check the wash in the evening to see if the coin was gone cause I felt bad about "breaking" it. It seemed to be gone.

Oh yeah and I sent out some CVs on those job hunt sites. Just in case.

Oh and I got to use my bike bell today for the first time. Like purposefully. Yeah, I tingled it at some woman when I went across the bridge. They delivered my mum's bag in the wrong post office, had to go across the bridge to fetch it.
Yeah and went to the bike shop to get my bike stand fixed so it wouldn't hit the spokes. The nut or whatever was rusted shut so they put some oil or something on it, have to go back in a few days, maybe we can get it off then. And I plan on changing my break pads aswell sometime this month hopefully.

Oh and today/yesterday I'm officially on 1,25mg of Olanzapine ever 2 days. Last year this time I was on 10mg a day.
The reading thing I complained about must be from my pill or withdrawal. Also I smak, suck and lick my lips like crazy. They're so dry. Definitely the pill or withdrawal again.

Ughhh.... I hope I won't be fired and my supervisor calms down.