Monday, August 03, 2015

stupid and desperate men

It baffles me how stupid and desperate men are. Like, seriously, you would pay for sex? Ugh... And not to be totally men hating, why do women take advantage of the fact? I would never ask money for sex. And it's disgusting to see men offer me money. Like no... if I like you I'll do it for free, if I don't like you no amount of money will get you in my bed. I just hate all the money business when it comes to sex.

On the same note... some "relatives" were over the other day. A young man and his gf, Kaidi. After they were gone, I was on my mum's bed transferring her phone images onto the memory card. In comes Lembit and is like "So... Diana's just laying on the bed, hacking. Kaidi's a famous lingerie model". Ughhhh, I'm so over peope commenting on my fat. I know. Do I wanna be a lingerie model? No. I was simply transferring the pics cause the mother will be going to Finland on wednesday with Lembit and she needs more space on her phone or something like that, to take pics. Just because I'm not a skinny lingerie model doesn't mean I'm trash or spending my life away!

Everyone and everything was super nice

Had this family friend from Germany visit us today. The family had 5 children! Everyone and everything was super nice. Even the weather. Makes me wanna live abroad again. Damn my crappy health.