Sunday, April 17, 2011

those weird sites again that have all sorts of weird photos

Somehow I got lost on those weird sites again that have all sorts of weird photos. Well here are some:
There's a whole bunch of horrifying images on the website. Seriously, how the fuck are those people parents!? I might start supporting abortion when I see more pics like that.

Euwww, who would eat off that table?

More pics here and what it is here


Card Of The Day - White Tara (upside down) and Ixchel

Right. So Ixchel is the shizz. I drew more cards last ngith to get more explanation and I got Ixchel three more times. No lie.
So today I wanted to see what my health was gonna be like and I got White Tara upside down and for explanation I got Ixchel. Okay, I take it as my health isn't as sensitive as yesterday and things should get better. Righ?
Although I just got in from working in the garden and I just felt like shit. The other day when I went to see the GP he told me that stomach ulcer is when you have pain after eating and another type of ulcer is when you get hunger pains. And I think I have the hunger pain one, cause it seems to be more awful when I haven't eaten, that is most of the time then cause I cannot eat.