Sunday, January 31, 2016


Ugh. Why are men like this? Like, I get it, you like sex. A lot. But just because you like it doesn't mean you're good at it. And I hate it that men think they're responsible for women's orgasms. No you're fucking not!!! You do not control my body. I control my body! If my body feels like cumming, it'll cum. If not, then no. You, a man, can do absolutely nothing to my body! No matter how much you like sex or how good you think you are.
Yeah and just because you saw it in porn or have fantasies about certain sexual act doesn't mean you're capable of doing this shit to real women.
Plus, the free thing really pisses me off. Like, wow, a man is willing to give me free sex!!! Like it's so hard to find for a woman. Again, just because you like free sex doesn't mean women are gonna run for it.

fire day

Ugh, if the weather is normal tomorrow it'll be fire day. Fire day as in we're gonna make fire in the woods and burn twigs. I just hate it so much. Mostly cause I, for some reason, always get anxiety during it.

Yeah and all the snow has thawed and I hope february will be a snowless month and that we're done with winter for this season. Okay, that didn't make sense. For this time*

Yeah and I've been off Mirtazapine for a couple of months now. Haven't felt worse so that's good. Also been on a smaller doze of Olansapine and I think I can feel that. I'll try to keep it smaller for a while though. If it gets worse I'll take higher doze again. Oh and I've lost weight 3, 4 kilos. Yay! At my mum's I weigh about 75 kg (the scale in town shows less).

Yeah and I have some laptop problems. I hope system recovery/restore will fix it. Think I have to do a massive movie marathon to get all my films watched before I lose them.