Thursday, December 18, 2014

blinded by their mindless "patriotism"

Well, The Interview was cancelled. Can't say I'm surprised. Like... when America does a movie about killing another country's leader it's all fun and games and freedom of speech or artistic vision or whatever... but when North Korea or Russia or anyone else would do a film about killing Obama americans would be so butthurt and blame them of terrorism. Thank god there are americans out there who see the situation for what it is and are not blinded by their mindless "patriotism".

Stupid old frigid hag!

Ugh...more Ilme bashing. Had a guy over, had sex. And why the fuck do I have to justify and explain that to her!? She just sticks her damn nose into places it doesn't belong. Ugh, if I had the money to find a new place I'd move and tell her where to go. Stupid old frigid hag! Why does she get so pissed off over me having sex!??!